News Archives
January 2019

Awarded the UVA Sustainability Research Development Grant for our research on Automated Waste Disposal Assistance and Tracking with Deep Learning
I will be teaching the special topics undergraduate level course on F1/10 Autonomous Racing in Spring 2019 [Course website]

Paper with Benjamin Bowes presented at the AGU Meeting: Toward Forecasting Groundwater Table in Flood Prone Coastal Cities Using Long Short-term Memory and Recurrent Neural Networks

Paper with Jeff Sadler presented at the AGU Meeting: Assessing Current and Future Utility of Predictive Active Stormwater Controls for Reducing Flooding in Coastal Cities
Paper with Alex Chen presented at the AGU Meeting: Bridging the Trust Gap in Crowdsourced Hydrological Sensor Networks: Data Trustworthiness of Personal Weather Stations
December 2018

ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) write-up on - 'Lack of engineers a roadblock to future of AVs' featuring our F1/10 course.
Congratualtions to Shrirag Kodoor, and Dipshil Agrawal for graduating from the CS masters program! Shrirag worked on Fly-by-pixels and will joining Facebook, and Dipshil worked on DeepRacing and will joining the Walmart AI group.
Paper with Shraddha Praharaj, and Donna Chen to appear in 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2019). Data predictive approach to estimate nuisance flooding impacts on roadway networks: a Norfolk, Virginia case study
November 2018

Thanks to MITRE for funding and supporting our autonomous systems research - Fly-by-Pixels
Our poster on Reputation System for Ensuring Data Trustworthiness of Crowdsourced Weather Stations with Alex Chen and Jon Goodall won the Best Poster Award at BuildSys 2018
Gave an invited talk on “DeepRacing: Teaching Autonomous Vehicles to Handle Edge Cases in Traffic" at the 2018 Datapalooza 2018 at the UVA Data Science Institute.
October 2018

Our F1/10 Autonomous Race Car appears on ESPN during the Saturday night football game! 'UVA F1/10 on ESPN'
Catch the highlights from the 3rd F1/10 Autonomuos Racing Compeition I organized at ES Week in Torino, Italy - '3rd F1/10 Autonomous Racing Competition 2018'
Serving on the program committee for the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS) which will be held as part of CPS Week 2019 to be held in Montreal, Canada, from April 16 to 18, 2019.
Paper entitled The Internet of Wasted Things (IoWT) with Arash Tavakoli, and Arsalan Heydarian to appear in 1st International Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Internet of Things Systems (HiL-IoT 2018) colocated with IoT 2018, October 15-18, 2018 - Santa Barbara, CA
September 2018
Paper with Alex Chen, and Jon Goodall to appear in 5th ACM International Conference on Systems for Built Environments (BuildSys'18). Trust Me, My Neighbors Say It's Raining Outside: Ensuring Data Trustworthiness for Crowdsourced Weather Stations
Paper with Jeff Sadler, and Jon Goodall to appear in 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM2018). Leveraging Open Source Software and Parallel Computing for Model Predictive Control Simulation of Urban Drainage Systems using EPA-SWMM5 and Python
Gave an invited talk on "DeepRacing AI - Teaching autonomous vehicles to handle edge cases in traffic" at the 2018 International Workshop on Next Generation Cyber-Pysical Systems (Next Gen CPS) .
August 2018

We gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of the Titan Xp GPU used for the DeepRacing research.
July 2018

Thanks to Leidos for funding and supporting our autonomous systems research
June 2018
I will be teaching the special topics graduate level course on Principles of Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems in Fall 2018 [Course website] This course will also be taught online as part of UVA's CGEP program.

Received UVA Research Innovation Seed Award for - Foundations of Automated Risk Assesment for Cyber-Physical Systems.
I am the co-chair for the HIL-IOT 2018 International workshop on Human In the Loop Internet of Things, co-located with IOT 2018. Consider submitting your best work.
Invited to speak at Mid-Atlantic Data Driven Safety Analysis Peer Exchange.
May 2018

F1/10 course I taught this semester is featured on UVA Today - 'Students in unique course put self-driving cars to final test'
Video highlights of the CS 4501/ SYS 4581 F1/10 course I taught this semester - 'F1/10 Undergraduate Course at The University of Virginia [Spring 2018]'
Research paper with Jeff Sadler, and Jon Goodall on Data Predicitve Control for Stormwater Infrastructure Management accepted to appear at the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling.
April 2018
Catch the highlights from the 2nd F1/10 Autonomuos Racing Compeition we organized at CPS Week in Porto - '2nd F1/10 Autonomous Racing Competition 2018'

Radio interview regarding our research on agile autonomy and trust in autonomous vehicles - 'The Future of Autonomous Vehicles | Madhur Behl'

Interview in light of the recent autonomous vehicles crashes - 'Tesla's Autopilot fails haven't shaken my faith in self-driving cars. Here's why.'

More news coverage of our ongoign work on Trust in Autonomous vehicles - 'Americans Less Trusting of Self-Driving Safety Following High-Profile Accidents'
March 2018

Our autonomous vehicles research is featured on UVA Today - 'Teaching cars to 'think' for an autonomous future'
Organized and hosted a webinar for the F1/10 Autonomous Racing compeition in April - '2018 F1/10 Autonomous Racing Competition - Pre-Season Webinar'
February 2018

My F1/10 Autonomous Racing research is featured on CBS News - 'New UVA Cyber Lab developing self-thinking cars'
The Cyber-Physical Systems Link Lab, at UVA, has its official inauguration! - [Video]
January 2018

Serving as a co-PI on the DoE project "The Building Adapter: Automatic Mapping of Commercial Buildings for Scalable Building Analytics" [Link]
I am teaching a new course on F1/10 Autonomous Racing - Principles of Perception, Planning, and Control. [Link]
December 2017
I am the general chair for the SCOPE 2018 smart cities workshop at CPS Week. Consider submitting your best work.
November 2017
I am serving as the associate editor for the SAE International's new journal on Connected and Automated Vehicles
I gave the F1/10 Autonomous Racing tutorials at SenSys 2017, Delft, Netherlands.
Served as the posters and demos chair at BuildSys 2017, Delft, Netherlands.
October 2017
Gave an invited talk on "Data Predictive Control - Bridging Machine and Control in Cyber-Physical Systems" at the 2017 Chesapeake Large-Scale Analytics Conference (CLSAC) . This year's theme was predictive analytics.
Article in The Cavalier Daily on our recent NSF CRISP Award: Multidisciplinary research team explores smart stormwater management
September 2017
I am organizing an invited session on Building Energy Systems at the 2018 American Control Conference.
August 2017

I have received a $2.5M NSF CRISP grant on dMIST: Data-driven Management for Interdependent Stormwater and Transportation Systems, with Jon Goodall, Kamin Whitehouse, Michael Gorman, and Donna Chen
For Fall 2017, I will be teaching a new graduate level special topics course on Prinicples of Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems.
Invited to attend the 2017 Aspiring NSF Cyber-Physical Systems Principal Investigators' Workshop. [Link]
Attended NSF's New Computer Science Faculty Teaching Workshop held at UC San Diego[Link]. Many thanks to Cynthia Lee, Beth Simon, Leo Porter, and Mark Guzdial.
July 2017
Our manuscript entitled "Data Predictive Control for Cyber-Physical Energy Systems" has been accepted for publication in the ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems
June 2017
Gave an invited talk on The foundations of Data Predictive Control for Cyber-Physical Systems at the Center for Nonlinear Studies (CNLS) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) [Link]
My chapter on Data-Driven Modeling, Control, and Tools for Smart Cities has been published in the Smart Cities: Foundations and Pricniples book.
May 2017
Out paper on Data predictive control for building energy consumtpion won the Best Energy Systems Paper Award at the American Control Conference 2017, held in Seattle.
February 2017
I am serving as the poster and demo chair for BuildSys this year.
January 2017

My startup Expresso Logic, has been awarded the Phase 1 NSF Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) award.